[ICCV'19] Xingchen Ma, et.al.

A Bayesian Optimization Framework for Neural Network Compression

Xingchen Ma, et.al. on October 1, 2019
obsidian에서 수정하기


A general Bayesian optimization framework for optimizing functions that are computed based on U-statistics is developed and a method that gives a probabilistic approximation certificate of the result is applied to parameter selection in neural network compression. Neural network compression is an important step for deploying neural networks where speed is of high importance, or on devices with limited memory. It is necessary to tune compression parameters in order to achieve the desired trade-off between size and performance. This is often done by optimizing the loss on a validation set of data, which should be large enough to approximate the true risk and therefore yield sufficient generalization ability. However, using a full validation set can be computationally expensive. In this work, we develop a general Bayesian optimization framework for optimizing functions that are computed based on U-statistics. We propagate Gaussian uncertainties from the statistics through the Bayesian optimization framework yielding a method that gives a probabilistic approximation certificate of the result. We then apply this to parameter selection in neural network compression. Compression objectives that can be written as U-statistics are typically based on empirical risk and knowledge distillation for deep discriminative models. We demonstrate our method on VGG and ResNet models, and the resulting system can find optimal compression parameters for relatively high-dimensional parametrizations in a matter of minutes on a standard desktop machine, orders of magnitude faster than competing methods.


figure 1 figure 1

figure 2 figure 2

figure 3 figure 3

figure 4 figure 4

figure 5 figure 5


table 1 table 1

table 2 table 2

table 3 table 3

table 4 table 4

table 5 table 5

table 6 table 6

table 7 table 7