[TRTS'22] FPGA HLS Today

FPGA HLS Today: Successes, Challenges, and Opportunities

J. Cong, et.al. on April 21, 2022
obsidian에서 수정하기


The progress of the deployment of HLS technology is assessed and the successes in several application domains are highlighted, including deep learning, video transcoding, graph processing, and genome sequencing. The year 2011 marked an important transition for FPGA high-level synthesis (HLS), as it went from prototyping to deployment. A decade later, in this article, we assess the progress of the deployment of HLS technology and highlight the successes in several application domains, including deep learning, video transcoding, graph processing, and genome sequencing. We also discuss the challenges faced by today’s HLS technology and the opportunities for further research and development, especially in the areas of achieving high clock frequency, coping with complex pragmas and system integration, legacy code transformation, building on open source HLS infrastructures, supporting domain-specific languages, and standardization. It is our hope that this article will inspire more research on FPGA HLS and bring it to a new height.


figure 1 figure 1

figure 3 figure 3

figure 4 figure 4

figure 5 figure 5

figure 6 figure 6

figure 7 figure 7

figure 8 figure 8

figure 9 figure 9

figure 10 figure 10

figure 11 figure 11

figure 12 figure 12

figure 13 figure 13

figure 14 figure 14

figure 16 figure 16

figure 17 figure 17


table 1 table 1

table 2 table 2

table 3 table 3

table 4 table 4