논문 아카이브

「논문 아카이브」

[HotNets-XI'12] Debayan Gupta, et.al.

A new approach to interdomain routing based on secure multi-party computation

Abstract This work proposes a radically different approach to interdomain-route computation, based on secure multi-party computation (SMPC), which provides stronger privacy guarantees than BGP and...

[LCPC'12] AlphaZ

AlphaZ: A System for Design Space Exploration in the Polyhedral Model

Abstract The polyhedral model is now a well established and effective formalism for program optimization and parallelization, however, finding optimal transformations is a long-standing open probl...


DySER: Unifying Functionality and Parallelism Specialization for Energy-Efficient Computing

Abstract DySER(동적 실행 리소스 전문화) 아키텍처는 기능 전문화와 병렬 처리 전문화를 모두 지원합니다. 자주 실행되는 영역을 동적으로 전문화하고 병렬 처리 메커니즘을 적용하여 효율적인 기능 및 병렬 처리 전문화를 제공합니다. 에너지 소비를 줄이면서 비순차 CPU, 스트리밍 SIMD 확장(SSE) 가속, GPU 가속을 능가하는 성능을 발휘...

[DAC'12] Chisel

Chisel: Constructing hardware in a Scala embedded language

Abstract Chisel, a new hardware construction language that supports advanced hardware design using highly parameterized generators and layered domain-specific hardware languages, is introduced by ...

[ICDE'12] Jia Pan, et.al.

Bi-level Locality Sensitive Hashing for k-Nearest Neighbor Computation

Abstract A new Bi-level LSH algorithm to perform approximate k-nearest neighbor search in high dimensional spaces that maps well to current GPU architectures and can improve the quality of approxi...

[IMPACT'12] Nicolas, et.al.

Joint Scheduling and Layout Optimization to Enable Multi-Level Vectorization

Abstract This work describes a novel loop nest scheduling strategy implemented in the R-Stream compiler, the first scheduling formulation to jointly optimize a trade-off between parallelism, local...

[CAN'11] Rehan Hameed, et.al.

Understanding sources of ineffciency in general-purpose chips

Abstract This work quantifies the sources of the performance and energy overheads of a 720p HD H.264 encoder running on a general-purpose four-processor CMP system, and creates a large, specialize...

[CVPR'11] Christoph Rhemann, et.al.

Fast cost-volume filtering for visual correspondence and beyond

Abstract This paper proposes a generic and simple framework comprising three steps: constructing a cost volume, fast cost volume filtering and winner-take-all label selection, and achieves state-o...

[TPAMI'11] T. Brox, et.al.

Large Displacement Optical Flow: Descriptor Matching in Variational Motion Estimation

Abstract A way to approach the problem of dense optical flow estimation by integrating rich descriptors into the variational optical flow setting, while reaching out to new domains of motion analy...

[ICMS'10] isl

isl: An Integer Set Library for the Polyhedral Model

Abstract In compiler research, polytopes and related mathematical objects have been successfully used for several decades to represent and manipulate computer programs in an approach that has beco...